Palermo Soho, Chico or Hollywood
The neighborhood of Palermo has some different faces. The area next to Recoleta, called Palermo Chico, is a really comfortable neighborhood and it is the most green neighborhood of town. Lots of nice lakes and big parks, as well as the city Zoo, the Japanese Garden, the Polo fields and horse racetrack are situated in Palermo.
Palermo’s big parks are extremely suitable for jogging, in-line skating and organizing picnics.
At the other side of Santa Fe Avenue, you will find the neighborhoods Palermo Hollywood and Palermo Soho. These neighborhoods are characterized by a young, fashionable and international public.
In Palermo Soho and Palermo Hollywood you will find lots of bars, restaurants and nightlife as well as lots of residential areas and wide silent streets. In this part of Palermo the amount of high buildings is relatively low here, which gives the neighborhood a different character than most of the other areas in town.